P4SS partners finally met in Malaga for the third Transnational meeting: what happened?

Our Project Manager, Nicolò Angelo, had announced it for the first year of “Playing 4 Soft Skills” and it finally happened: after more than a year of online meetings, due to the Covid-19 emergency, we have been able to organize the Third Transnational Meeting in person and, after months of screenshots, we were able to […]

The Soft Skills Evaluation Report – insights into the first output of the Playing 4 Soft Skills Project

Exactly one year ago, we started our work on the 1st Output of the KA2 Playing 4 Soft Skills Project – the Soft Skills Evaluation Report. You can find the whole report on the Playing 4 Soft Skills Website: in English, German and Italian. The aim of the this report is to provide teachers, employers […]